Brain Games: Sudoku 1 (Brain Games (Unnumbered)) Review
Brain Games: Sudoku 1 is a collection of more than 300 sudoku puzzles. Part of the popular Brain Games series, the book is designed to help keep your brain cognitively fit, flexible, and young.
Sudoku puzzles add a fresh challenge to your mental workout. Although they are number puzzles, they do not require math skills. The objective of these crosswords without words is to place the numbers 1 through 9 only once in each horizontal row of squares, each vertical column of squares, and each 3x3 square box in the 9x9 grid. The puzzles have some numbers filled in, and you work out the rest. You never have to guess; all the puzzles can be solved by logic.
Brain Games: Sudoku 1 puzzles are sorted into five levels of difficulty. The book s introduction offers helpful tips and techniques for solving the puzzles, starting with the process of elimination. As you work through the sudoku puzzles, you will uncover your own techniques for solving them. Answers to every puzzle are provided at the back of the book.
Whether you are new to sudoku or craving a fresh challenge, Brain Games: Sudoku will give your brain a healthy workout. The book features:
More than 300 sudoku puzzles, arranged in order of difficulty.
Handy, spiral-bound paperback format that you can take anywhere.
Answers for each sudoku puzzle are included.
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